Branding Sessions- How Glam by Jeet helps in the process plus some gorgeous images from The Branding Babe!

Hi Ladies (and Gents)! I used to think most of my time was spent doing boudoir hair + makeup but honestly, in the last 6-9 months, branding sessions have been popping up on my schedule at least 2-3 times per week! With Covid-19 - weddings and events are at an all time low, and we have had to change simple things that we took for granted before (face to face interviews, walk throughs of venues, coffee meetings, lunch dates, dinner meetings, etc). Business owners have had to focus on their online presence more than ever before- to allow you, the consumer - to meet us virtually and figure out what we are all about! This makes the decision to hire one vendor over another that works in the same field much easier! We as business owners, try to portray ourselves authentically online so that clients with similar values & interests pick us. We also have to make sure our pricing and online info makes sense, as well as make sure that our websites are even more beautiful than before! Branding firms have swooped in and it is definitely their time to shine!

Branding sessions allow business owners to curate personalized photoshoots alongside photographers and marketing firms that focus on brand voice, social media, and more. One of the most important parts of the session is the lifestyle / classic headshots, and then the rest of the session focuses on different “scenes” that show off the business owner at work behind the scenes, at home in their natural environment with some of their favorite things ( this portrays who they are as a person), and finally, they also try to capture the business owner at work with clients and coworkers lol! If the business is trying to move into more of a lux brand or something more casual, the shoot can be styled to meet those needs to attract the ideal client that also loves what you’re all about! This is where a hair and makeup artist, such as myself, comes in. I provide versatile, photo ready makeup + hair for the entire day, or if clients want to pay me to stay all day, I can change different looks to go with the different scenes and themes, for even more content! I have spent a great deal of time learning clean and classic all biz no play looks (think slick straight hair or a high ponytail, understated but clean makeup), relaxed boho chic looks for the wanderlust-y fairytale magic maker (think big fluffy braids and loose waves, bronze-y glossy skin and eyes and lips, using all peachy and neutral tones), and super glam looks for those that love to strap on the heels and LBD as soon as they take off their ostrich feather robe in the morning (think glitter, contour, big lashes, bold lip colors)! I love all these looks equally and sometimes we blend some of these together to fit the mood. I have such a fun job!

I recently did a large branding project with The Branding Babe and The Branding Boutique - I got 4 boss babes ready for their branding shoots, as well as some stand ins, and Shana of The
Branding Boutique herself- I want to share the amazing images that came from each of these girls’ shoots! Additionally, I got another branding consultant ready for a branding shoot of her own with The Branding Babe! Those images are in the last row of the grid below. They all have a different vibe and it is oozing out of every single shot! Reach out to Amanda yourself and get your branding shoot underway (and hire Glam by Jeet for your hair and makeup hehe) - WE CANNOT WAIT TO MEET YOU! Enjoy!

All photography done by Amanda at The Branding Babe, all hair and makeup done by Jeet at Glam by Jeet and all styling and shoot curating done by Shana of The Branding Boutique!

#glambyjeet #mdmakeupartist #washingtondc #branding #makeupartist #thebrandingbabe #dcmakeupartist


Secret is out! Glam by Jeet is moving back to the east coast- new studio in Bethesda, MD coming March 2021!